Friday, October 10, 2008

Alibaba of my mind hid the donkeys fed and tied

waiting hidden for the thieves atop a tall juniper tree...

ears attuned sharp

to catch the stomping of the hoofs afar

raising dust and terror along

Alibaba of my mind

still clung on

in the lure of treasure laden promises

of the mystifying cave below

opening to incantations yet unknown to him...

let the fable mesmerize

the Morgiana in me

daring yet to knife the thieving goons away

dancing to the zither in Alibaba's dome...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

take these crayons

draw an orange sunday

with vert lime grass beneath

aqua green waters

and silver blue skies

paint my soul in hues of purple

and my heart in deep red

and paint you next to me

perfectly posed...